Popular Water Ripple Options

Our water ripple sheets have the advantage of aesthetics and utility after sophisticated mirror polishing, recubrimiento de color, and stamping.

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Water Ripple Sheet with Different Colors

Realize What's in Your Mind


Especifique sus requisitos

Al principio, you can raise your desired grain and color or send us a drawing to elaborate on your need.


Proporcionar soluciones para usted

Nuestros expertos le ofrecerán las soluciones de personalización correspondientes dirigidas a sus requisitos específicos..


Muestra gratis

Se le enviarán muestras gratuitas al instante en 5-7 días. Si tienes alguna pregunta al respecto, contáctenos a su conveniencia.

Ventajas significativas

Aesthetic and Luxurious

Processed with mirrored finish, PVD color coating and stamping, the surface can retain a sense of spatial hierarchy. And the aesthetics and value are improved.

High Grade Decoration

With strong corrosion resistance and high mechanical properties, water ripple sheets can be widely used for Hotel, Villa, Club, Super square, etc..

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