Selective Coils

نقوم بمعالجة التشطيبات المصقولة المختلفة وفقًا لاستخداماتك الفعلية. إلى جانب 2B وNo.1, further polishing is accessible.

المواصفات المتاحة

Stainless Steel Coil Information
تقنيةصقل الأسطحسلسلة الصفسماكة(مم)عرض(مم)تطبيق
البعد الرئيسي
المدرفلة على الساخنNo.1 /2E201/202/ 3042.2-12.0 صناعة بتروكيماوية
مواد بناء الخزانات
المدرفلة على البارد201/3040.25-3.0
410ق / 4300.25-2.0
رقم 4 / مرآة شعري / الكتان س.ب201/3040.22-3.0
410ق / 4300.25-2.0
410ق / 4300.25-2.0
Chemical composition and mechanical properties of stainless steel coil
صف دراسيالتركيب الكيميائي (%)أداء ميكانيكي
جومنصسفيسجل تجاريشهرصلابة<241، HRB<100, الجهد العالي ≥240
304.≥187, HRB<90، HV<200
316.≥187, HRB<90، HV<200
316ل.≥187, HRB<90، HV<200
410.≥183, HRB ≥ 88، HV ≥ 200
430.≥183, HRB ≥ 88، HV ≥ 200

ميزة كبيرة


To adapt to your different requirements for size,coils can be processed into sheets or strips of length and width demanded.


Long stainless sheets can be rolled into the form of coils so that they take up less volume, which facilitates transportation.

تطبيقات نموذجية

Industrial Equipment

Electronic Equipment.



What Surface Finishes Can Be Processed on Coil?
We can process a variety of surface finishes to give the coil a decorative appeal. فضلاً عن ذلك, تتيح لك تقنياتنا الخاصة بمعالجة الأسطح تخصيص قوامك المثالي, نعومة, أنماط, والألوان.
علاجات الأسطح المرغوبة

جاهز لبدء مشروع التخصيص الخاص بك?

amount of steel coils in warehouse

Different Grades of Stainless Steel Coils

201 Stainless Steel Coils

صف دراسي 201 is a lower-cost alternative to 304. It offers good formability, moderate corrosion resistance, and is often used in applications that require aesthetic appeal, such as cookware, sinks, and utensils.

304 Stainless Steel Coils

صف دراسي 304 is the most common and widely used stainless steel grade for coils. It offers excellent corrosion resistance, قابلية جيدة للتشكيل, and is suitable for a variety of applications in industries such as food processing, chemical, and architectural.

316 Stainless Steel Coils

صف دراسي 316 is known for its superior corrosion resistance compared to 304. It contains molybdenum, which enhances its resistance to chemical corrosion, making it ideal for use in marine environments, pharmaceutical equipment, and coastal architecture.

410 Stainless Steel Coils

صف دراسي 410 is a martensitic stainless steel known for its high strength, صلابة, ومقاومة التآكل. It offers good mechanical properties and can be hardened by heat treatment. صف دراسي 410 is commonly used in applications such as cutlery, dental and surgical instruments, and valves.

430 Stainless Steel Coils

This ferritic stainless steel grade provides good corrosion resistance and heat resistance. It is commonly used in applications such as automotive trims, indoor appliances, and architectural components.

Common Applications of Stainless Steel Coil


1. What is stainless steel coil?

Stainless steel coil refers to a continuous strip of stainless steel that is wound into a coil shape. It is commonly used in various industries for manufacturing applications like sheet metal forming, fabrication, and as a raw material for further processing.

2. What are the properties of stainless steel coil?

Stainless steel coils possess several key properties, including high corrosion resistance, strength and durability, heat resistance, hygiene and cleanability, والجاذبية الجمالية. They are also known for their low maintenance requirements and versatility in various manufacturing processes.

3. How are stainless steel coils made?

Stainless steel coils are typically manufactured through a process known as cold rolling. This involves passing a stainless steel strip through a set of rollers to reduce its thickness and shape it into a coil form. Cold rolling helps improve the material’s mechanical properties, dimensional accuracy, and surface finish.

4. Can stainless steel coil be recycled at the end of its lifecycle?

نعم, stainless steel coil is highly recyclable. At the end of its lifecycle or when it is no longer needed, stainless steel coil can be collected, processed, and recycled. Stainless steel retains its properties even after recycling, and the process can be repeated multiple times without significant degradation in quality.